

Your one-stop pregnancy & postpartum community getting you ready for birth and guiding you through the first six months of your mothering journey

Yay, gorgeous mama – you’re on the home stretch of your pregnancy!

There’s just one hurdle between you and the delivery of you and your beautiful bubba: The birth. Cue the horror music as your mind flicks through every horrible birthing scene you’ve ever seen.


I know it seems daunting. But as scary as labour seems …

Let’s get one thing straight:

Giving birth isn’t the most challenging part of becoming a mother.


Don’t panic, but the most common mistake I see new mothers make is believing that birth is basically the finish line. When really? It’s just the beginning.


During your pregnancy and labour, you’ll be surrounded by caring medical professionals and birthing experts eager to see your new baby arrive into the world safely.


And if you’ve taken part in my Getting Ready for Labour Masterclasses, you’ll waddle into your labour feeling completely calm, in control and ready to give birth. No stress. No overwhelm. Just confident clarity (and a whole lot of bubbling excitement for this new chapter of your mothering adventure!)
Once you push your pram through the front door of your home, you’ll officially be on your own.

From that point on, you’re simply expected to know exactly what to do. And, worse, it’s meant to come naturally. This toxic mentality means that many mothers:

  • Struggle with feelings of overwhelm at the most crucial stage of their mothering journey.
  • Feel isolated and alone at a time when they should be supported and held by their community
  • Are disempowered to make informed decisions, while simultaneously being encouraged to put themselves last – at the expense of their mental, physical and emotional health.

It’s like we’re telling mothers, “You have to get this right. But you have to do it practically alone, without feeling educated, empowered, supported or informed. Oh, and you’re going to do all this while you’re operating on minimal sleep and maximum stress, Cool? Cool.”

When the truth is that the only part of that statement that’s even remotely correct is that, together, we need to get this right.

The first 1,000 days of your child’s life will shape their entire future.

From conception, you are, quite literally, feeding your child’s future with the nutrition you provide to them in the early stages of their life.


And what you nourish them with now will determine their long-term health, including their brain development and physical growth.


Which is why you might’ve decided to breastfeed.


You’re in great company! 94% of mindful mothers just like you choose to breastfeed their babies to give them the healthiest start to life.


… But only 15% of those very same mothers are still breastfeeding their babies after five months.


What goes wrong? (And how can society set you up for success?)

There are a lot of mothering myths out there.

Post-birth healing will happen naturally. You don’t need to do anything to help your body heal.

Breastfeeding is natural and easy and every woman will be able to do it effortlessly.

Postnatal nutrition is all about cutting calories and losing weight.

Um, NO.


I’ve been a dietitian and breastfeeding counsellor for over 15 years, and I’ve seen firsthand that breastfeeding is rarely easy. Weight loss is often the least important element of postnatal nutrition. And healing your body after birth begins before your baby has even arrived

But here’s an unpopular opinion…

This isn’t just about your baby


I totally understand that, as a mother, we’re encouraged to believe it’s our duty to put our baby first. But post-birth, you’ll have stretched your physical limits and carried your body – and mind! – through an enormous experience.


You need to heal. And the first six months post-birth are vital. Not only for creating healthy foundations for your baby to grow into the remarkable human they’re destined to be, but also for consciously caring for you, too.


But figuring out what to do when you’ve got a beautiful new responsibility snuggled in your arms and keeping your hands tied? Ugh. Hello, mission impossible.


Which is why I’m here. Together, let’s get you educated, informed and empowered for birth and the first six months of your postnatal journey BEFORE you’ve even had your first contraction.

Don’t just make it through the first 1,000 days. Make the first 1,000 days the foundation of their future

Welcome to the Postnatal Roadmap

Your roadmap to conquer the fears and frustrations of birth and new parenthood


The Postnatal Roadmap membership is an online community made by a Women’s Health & Paediatric Dietitian, lactation counsellor and mother, for mothers who are in their third trimester of pregnancy.


Focused on empowering you now – before bub has even arrived – this practical education-focused virtual experience will carry you through the final steps before your baby’s birth into the first steps of your life post-birth.


Whether you’re expecting your first baby or your fifth, the Postnatal Roadmap will be by your side to solve your overwhelm and gently guide you in navigating the steep learning curves of the first six months of motherhood.
Be prepared for your precious postnatal period.

Inside your membership

At the heart of our program is week by week support, guiding you through every new milestone and challenge from birth to 6 months post partum.

The Postnatal Roadmap Journey

Month One

  • Postnatal rebab – the first six weeks with FitRight Women’s Health
  • Vaginal/C-section specific rehabilitation
  • Physiotherapy for newborns
  • Breastfeeding after a c-section
  • Pain-free breastfeeding
  • Formula Top Up Cycle
  • Transitioning from breastfeeding to bottle or bottle to breastfeeding
  • Postnatal recovery and nutrition
  • Postnatal nutrition checklist
  • High fibre and anti-oxidant menu plans to help with wound recovery & nutrition depletion

Month Two

  • Breastfeeding a baby with Acid Reflux
  • Interview with Bubbaroo Baby on GERD (reflux)
  • Connecting nutrition and thrush
  • The link between breastfeeding and nutrition
  • Galactagogue, omega 3, iron and calcium filled menu plan
  • Return to exercise with FitRight Women’s Health

Month Three

  • What’s going on with your thyroid during the postpartum period?
  • What happens after delivery if you had gestational diabetes?
  • Baby developmental leaps and growth spurts
  • Troubleshooting allergies while breastfeeding
  • Breastmilk boosting menu plan during a time when mama’s often feel they have low milk supply
  • Other menu plans to boost your thyroid, to support your risks of diabetes with low GI foods, plus common allergen free menu plans.

Month Four

  • The 4th month sleep regression with Tara from The Gentle Sleep Specialist
  • Practical tips to manage motherhood, how to listen to our internal voices and to start being intuitive with Emily Smith from Be Think Do Coaching
  • How to lose weight while breastfeeding
  • FAD diets during breastfeeding – are they safe?
  • Demystifying serve and portion sizes
  • A variety of set calorie menu plans

Month Five

  • Feeding and communication milestones with Kim Lockly from Learn and Grow Speech
  • Speech and language milestones
  • Introduction to solids
  • Food allergies and eczema
  • Infant weaning – how to transition to family meals
  • All your baby-led weaning questions answered
  • First foods and meal sample recipes to introduce solids to baby

Month Six

  • Postpartum depression and nutrition
  • Mental health checklist for mums
  • How to practice self-care as a mum
  • Self-care challenges
  • Healthy food swaps
  • Breastfeeding – women and work
  • Mood boosting menu plans and milk boosting menu plans as you return to work
  • Baby mealtimes with Dr Kyla as you transition into weaning your child (plus a special discount!)

Why you’ll love your Postnatal Roadmap membership

Draw on the expert wisdom and guidance of an experienced and nationally accredited dietitian and breastfeeding counsellor who can answer your questions as they arise.

Grow in confidence as a mother as you deepen your ability to make informed, educated decisions for you and your baby’s futures.

Be equipped with the practical information and tools you need to navigate confidently towards your baby’s birth and the often neglected but incredibly important six months of change post-birth.

Call on a community of trustworthy, likeminded mothers to support you through the stress of motherhood.

Resources,  Courses and more…

As part  of the program you have access to bonus ebooks, videos, courses, programs and 7-day menu plans each week for 6 months, worth over $2,500 in value!!

The Member's Hub

You’ll have full online library access to over 25-hours of the Getting Ready for Labour Masterclasses (without the membership, you only have access to 13 hours!), where I’ll cover everything you really need to know about giving birth – whether it’s your first baby or your fifth.


By the end of your adventure, you’ll:

  • Have transformed all the conflicting misinformation about giving birth into educated intelligence so you feel informed and ready for labour.
  • Have a complete breastfeeding strategy that gives you confidence before you’ve even had your first contraction.
  • Have a flexible birthing plan for your upcoming labour (that you actually understand and feel empowered by!)
  • Plus, you’ll find a number of other resources in your Member’s Hub home page. Real-life stories on what mama’s wished they had known about the 4th trimester, before they gave birth; checklists to guide you along the way; access to my “Postpartum: Taking Care of YOU After Giving Birth” ebook (valued at $19); and much more!

The Thompson Method Breastfeeding Course

As a tier two or three Postnatal Roadmap member, you will have full access to my Getting Ready for Breastfeeding 4 module course (valued at $197) and recordings to Dr Robyn Thompson from the Thompson Breastfeeding Method.

A gentle, evidence-based method created by Dr Robyn Thompson – a midwife with over 45 years’ experience and a PhD on nipple trauma and breastfeeding complications – this program is currently being used to train midwives at the Mater Maternity Hospital in Australia.

Fit Right Physio’s Pelvic Floor Program

The Member’s Hub also unlocks access to a large number of FitRight Women’s Health pelvic floor education and exercise videos (valued at $77).


These invaluable resources are designed to help new mum’s recover faster and prevent pelvic floor complications later in life.

The Postnatal Roadmap is calling you if

You want to take back control of your labour (and life!) by properly preparing for your birth (without stress or confusion).

You’re in your third trimester of pregnancy and are nervous about your post-delivery recovery after possible complications (including how to heal as quickly, efficiently and effectively as possible).

Your baby is under six months old, and you’re struggling with a sense of isolation from mothers going through the same stages as you.

You want to prepare for breastfeeding before it begins with a complete breastfeeding plan that gives you confidence even before you go into labour.

You barely have time to run a brush through your hair each day, let alone figure out the complex science of nourishing your body properly.

You want to feel confident that you’re feeding your baby’s future nutritionally at every stage of the first 1,000 days of their life.

You feel like you missed the delivery of your Newborn Instruction Manual and need health professionals, who are parents themselves, to guide you through the first six months post-birth

Choose your Postnatal Roadmap membership

  • Tier One

  • $39/ month
  • Journey commences AFTER birth

    What you get:

    • Weekly postnatal roadmap content at just the right stage and milestone that you need
    • Access to the resources toolkit
    • Seven-day menu plans for each week of your journey (valued at $1,200 AUD)
    • Access to a private member’s Facebook group, to surround yourself with your mama tribe

Most Popular
  • Tier Two

  • $399upfront
  • Journey commences before birth (in third trimester) up to 6 months postpartum

    What you get:

    • Weekly postnatal roadmap content
    • Your own members hub with access to:
      • The Getting Ready for Breastfeeding course (valued at $197)
      • FitRight Women’s Health Pilates course and pelvic floor education courses (valued at $77)
      • Video guidance from real-life mamas
      • The Postpartum eBook (valued at $19)
      • The Getting Ready for Labour Masterclass videos (valued at $399)
      • The private Facebook group
    • Access to the resources toolkit
    • Seven-day menu plans for each week of your 6 months postpartum journey (valued at $1,200 AUD)

    Valued at over $1,892 AUD

  • Tier Three

  • $649upfront
  • Journey commences before birth (in third trimester) up until 6 months postpartum

    What you get:

    • Weekly postnatal roadmap content
    • 3 x 1:1 consultations with Kristy (valued at $450 AUD)
    • Your own members hub with access to:
      • The Getting Ready for Breastfeeding course (valued at $197)
      • FitRight Women’s Health Pilates course and pelvic floor education courses (valued at $77)
      • Video guidance from real-life mamas
      • The Postpartum eBook (valued at $19)
      • The Getting Ready for Labour Masterclass videos (valued at $399)
      • The private Facebook group
    • Access to the resources toolkit
    • Seven-day menu plans for each week of your 6 months postpartum journey (valued at $1,200 AUD)

    Valued at $2,550

Did you know both Tier Two & Tier Three Postnatal Roadmap memberships come with the Getting Ready for Labour Masterclasses for free? Yep! You can prepare for birth and then jump straight into your postpartum weekly support in the roadmap.

This membership isn’t suitable for you if:

Your baby is older than six months.

You feel calm, confident and completely in control of your journey as a new parent.

Your birth was perfect, and you haven’t had any post-delivery setbacks like low breastmilk supply, engorgement, or haemorrhaging.

You’re not a fan of science-driven guidance.

You’re happy to fly solo and prefer to do things alone rather than rely on the support of a community.

You are not looking for tailored advice from health professionals trained in evidence-based science and have experienced parenting as well.

Hear What our Mamas Have to Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this membership only available online?

Happily, yes! This program can be done from anywhere in the world. Which means you don’t trek across the city – with your pram, baby and stress in tow – to get the postnatal support you need. If you invest in a tier three membership, your private consultations will be done virtually, too. So you can stay in your milk-crusted PJs without any judgment from me.

I’m not pregnant – is this membership suitable for me?

I love how proactive you are, but if you’re not yet pregnant you’d benefit more from a private consultation with me than the Postnatal Roadmap. In a private consultation, I can guide you in preparing yourself nutritionally so you can get your eggs to optimum fertility.

I’m pregnant and not in the postpartum period yet? Is it worthwhile I join the membership?

Absolutely! As a tier two or three member, you’ll gain access to the Getting Ready for Labour Masterclass – the perfect companion to feel empowered and prepared for birth and beyond (with education on birthing techniques and options available such as Lamaze and Hypnobirthing).

Beyond that, pregnancy is actually the perfect time to join the Postnatal Roadmap – you have more time, are less sleep deprived and you can still use both hands – so that you can be prepared and READY for when (not if) you need to troubleshoot breastfeeding, pelvic floor, baby sleep, nutrition depletion issues etc.

My baby is older than six months. Can I still become a member?

No, not for the Postnatal Roadmap. But I can still help. You are now about to walk into another new season of motherhood – weaning and introduction of solids. Yay for messy, sticky floors and dirty walls! I’m a paediatric accredited practicing dietitian with a special focus on allergies. So if you need support to guide you through this messy, fussy and sometimes scary phase, let’s chat with a private consult.

What’s your refund policy?

If the Postnatal Roadmap isn’t what you expected, you’re protected by a 30-day money-back guarantee. So long as you’ve logged in and viewed the resources, you’re eligible for a refund.

How is the content delivered?

The Postnatal Roadmap is delivered online via emails and your own Member’s Hub. While you’re pregnant, you’ll have unlimited access to the Member’s Hub (where you can view all the resources and available courses). Once your baby is born, you will start receiving weekly emails unlocking the membership page for that week and alerting you to the topic resources and menu plans that are relevant to that milestone.

Why can’t I access all the content at once? Why is it “drip fed”?

I totally understand feeling eager to learn and soak up as much information as possible while you’re pregnant. But when you’re postpartum, you’ll have less time while being exhausted, emotionally on edge and grappling with a serious case of mummy brain. Which is why the Roadmap gently delivers bite-size pieces of information right when you need it, so that you don’t feel even more overwhelmed than what you’re already feeling.

I’m busy – how much time per week will I need to set aside for this membership?

Your resources – which will be available in video, audio or PDF format – vary from 15 minutes to 40 minutes in length. Just enough to give you the information you need, but not so long that you’re scrambling to keep up.